
Showing posts from December, 2021

Rheumatology in Harmony

  Rheumatology deals with chronic inflammatory diseases with painful, dystrophic, evolutionary attitudes, such as suspected or already diagnosed autoimmune diseases. Repeated joint and muscle pain, dry skin and mucous membranes, muscle weakness, and easy fatigue can lead to the rheumatologist specialist prescribing specific tests and any targeted therapies. Rheumatology The approach of our center is based on listening to the person and on an accurate medical history, with particular attention to the psychological sphere. Doctor Q Khan provides the best nephrology physicians in the USA.  Diseases that fall within the rheumatological specialty are often painful, disabling, and chronic, they can cause anxiety and depression in the patient who sees his habits, independence, and lifestyle upset. Armonia's team of rheumatological specialists works in synergy to offer a personalized and effective response to the patient's disorder in the case of degenerative pathologies, su...

Stroke symptoms causes types prevention

  Stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted or reduced, which prevents the flow of oxygen and nutrients into the brain tissue. The  USA Best Doctors provide the facilities in USA.   As a result, brain cells begin to die within minutes. Stroke requires immediate medical attention, and immediate treatment for this disease is extremely important. Early action to prevent the effects of stroke reduces the likelihood of brain damage and prevents other complications. Effective treatment also helps prevent disability from stroke.  Symptoms of stroke If you or someone close to you suspects a stroke, pay special attention to the time of onset of symptoms. Some treatment options are most effective if administered shortly after the onset of stroke. Signs and symptoms of stroke are: Problems speaking and understanding what others are saying. You may confuse words, stop understanding them, or have difficulty understanding other people's ...


  Normally, the image falls on the retina of both eyes, and then on the optic nerve - in the occipital region of the cerebral cortex. There, the images obtained from the right and left eyes separately, the visual analyzer combines into one "picture", giving it depth and a sense of orientation in space and distance. This is how binocular vision is formed.  The  USA Best Doctors  provide the facilities in  medical  field.  However, when strabismus is a complete "overlay" on each other does not occur, and the brain "sees" a double image. Therefore, in order not to cause confusion, he simply disconnects one eye from work, ignoring the information received from him. Prevalence Strabismus in pediatric ophthalmic practice is a common visual pathology and occurs in an average of 2% of cases, and congenital strabismus is born in about 1 in 400 children. In the future, these values ​​increase, and these incidence rates in preschool children increase to 10%. ...


  Arrhythmia is manifested by disturbances in the rhythm or heart rate. At first glance, this is only a minor failure, but it can lead to negative consequences for the whole body. Therefore, at the first signs, it is necessary to turn to the medical centre specialists "Irvine". The  USA Best Doctors provide the best facilities in USA. What is arrhythmia? Arrhythmia is a disorder of the heart associated with irregular contractions. Accelerated (tachycardia) or slow (bradycardia) is equally harmful to body health. Sometimes a person with an arrhythmia may not even know it. However, the disease usually has symptoms such as chest pain and dizziness. During an arrhythmia, the heart cannot pump enough blood to the body, affecting the brain, heart and other organs. Types of disease Depending on the manifestations and causes, arrhythmia has several varieties. The most common among them are: • Respiratory arrhythmia; • Extrasystolic arrhythmia; • Atrial fibrillation; ...


  Causes of redness and peeling of the eyelids Peeling of the eyelids can cause allergies to citrus fruits, eggs, chocolate, seafood and honey. Allergy is manifested by red spots, itching, rash and discharge from the lacrimal glands. The  USA Best Doctors provide the best facilities in medical field. Use of low-quality cosmetics. Wrongly selected Care products and the purchase of cosmetics from an unknown manufacturer lead to deplorable consequences. Exfoliation is only a small part of what can happen to a woman's face. The use of poor quality tools can leave serious scars. Dry skin by nature. Such women should use moisturizers regularly. Peeling is especially strong in the winter. Tightens the skin, there is a burning sensation. Washing with hard tap water. Tap water is a cocktail of poisons. It is easier to say which chemicals are not there than to list all the toxic substances dissolved in it. Influence of weather conditions. The outer layer of the epidermis is a...


  The liver is a unique organ without which human existence is impossible. In this regard, any liver disease that leads to a decrease in its function is dangerous. The giandliverconsultants provide the best  gastrointestinal consultants in Irvine.  Therefore, even the mildest ailments, similar to the key symptoms of liver disease, should be treated with caution. Symptoms of liver and biliary system diseases: ·          nausea; ·          vomiting; ·          heaviness, pain in the right hypochondrium (often after eating fatty and fried foods, smoked); ·          bloating (flatulence); ·          bitterness in the mouth; ·          changes in the skin and mucous membranes (the appearance of cholesterol plaques (x...


  The term schizophrenia sounds like a severe endogenous-procedural mental illness, which is accompanied by acute polymorphic psychotic episodes and an increase in deficient symptoms and social and labor maladaptation between attacks.    The  USA Best Doctors provide the best treatment in medical field. To understand this complex crisis and very multifaceted disease, it is necessary to understand a few concepts that sounded above. First, endogenous is meant the presence in the human psyche and nervous system of some abnormal, painful (pathological) process that leads to the development and progression of the disease. This excludes a possible exogenous (external) cause (use of surfactants, toxic, infectious lesions, etc.) of the psychotic state. Procedural means , literally, the presence of the process of disease development. In other words, schizophrenia is not an outbreak of inappropriate behaviour that occurs suddenly and passes without a visible trace to the ...