Causes of redness and peeling of the eyelids
Peeling of the eyelids can cause allergies to citrus fruits, eggs, chocolate, seafood and honey. Allergy is manifested by red spots, itching, rash and discharge from the lacrimal glands. The USA Best Doctors provide the best facilities in medical field.
Use of low-quality cosmetics. Wrongly selected Care products
and the purchase of cosmetics from an unknown manufacturer lead to deplorable
consequences. Exfoliation is only a small part of what can happen to a woman's
face. The use of poor quality tools can leave serious scars.
Dry skin by nature. Such women should use moisturizers
regularly. Peeling is especially strong in the winter. Tightens the skin, there
is a burning sensation.
Washing with hard tap water. Tap water is a cocktail of
poisons. It is easier to say which chemicals are not there than to list all the
toxic substances dissolved in it.
Influence of weather conditions. The outer layer of the
epidermis is a protective wall that protects the body from damage. On the surface
of the skin are coenocytes - dead cells, and they are glued together by
intercellular lipids. If the ratio changes due to wind, cold, frost or dust,
moisture evaporates faster from fats, dead cells become more, they crumble from
the skin. This is how peeling occurs.
The cause of peeling skin around the eyes can be not only an
external irritant. Many internal diseases lead to this symptom. These include:
Yeast fungus develops in the hair. If the skin of the
eyelids near the lash line is red and flaky, eyelashes fall out, you can ignore
the appearance of the disease. The fungus is transmitted to others.
If the upper eyelid is red and itchy, accompanied by pus,
swelling, cuts in the eye, it is a herpes infection. It affects not only the
eyeballs but also the periorbital area. The skin under the eyes is red, covered
with small bubbles that tend to merge into one large blister. Exfoliation is
one of the symptoms of an inflammatory reaction.
Dacryocystitis is
more common in newborns, the cause of development - impaired outflow of tear
fluid into the nasal cavity. Mucus is constantly flowing from the eyes, so the
skin of the eyelids and cheeks begins to redden and flake off. The inner corner
of the eye and part of the sclera are red, eyelashes stick together after
Demodex is an
eyelash mite. Inhabits the subcutaneous layer of each person. Leads to peeling,
dryness, redness, sticking of eyelashes.
A little is an ophthalmic pathology that occurs when the
conjunctiva is infected with chlamydia. The disease most often affects women
and children; in developed countries it is almost non-existent. Other signs of
trachoma - burning, mucous secretions, asthenopia, edema. The symptoms of the
acute form of the disease are similar to the manifestations of conjunctivitis.
Itching, swelling, tearing, runny nose, peeling and coughing
are signs of SARS. The cornea is often affected by the flu.
Atopic dermatitis is a pathological condition characterized
by a chronic course. The disease develops in early childhood and recurs in
adulthood. Immune-mediated inflammation of the skin is represented by rashes
that occur after combing the itchy area. Rash often appears on the cheeks,
eyelids and wrinkles. They slowly regress with the formation of flaky spots.
Sometimes cracks form. Affected areas are very itchy. Itching is exacerbated by
external factors.
Intestinal diseases can also lead to this symptom. The
reasons are - gastritis, impaired absorption of food, chronic constipation and
dysbacteriosis. If you eat poorly, toxic substances get into the body, they are
absorbed into the blood and cause allergies.
I was especially depressed by the eyes surrounded by large
wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to deal with swelling and redness.
But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I learned - at least 5 thousand
dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling,
radiolifting, laser facelifting? And when to find time for all this? And still
expensive. Especially now. So I chose another way for myself…
Exfoliating dry skin is not just a cosmetic nuisance that
can upset a person. The causes of excessive dryness and peeling of the
epidermis, often, lie deeper than it seems at first glance.
Moisturizing the skin with cream, making masks, nourishing
serums is useful, and for a while will help solve the problem. But so that it
does not recur, with the appearance of such symptoms, it is necessary to find
out the exact cause and eliminate it.
The skin under the eyes is thin and sensitive - it reacts
quickly to lack of fluid with dryness and peeling. Moisturizing the inside is
no less, if not more important than external moisturizers.
In addition, peeling can be provoked by other factors,
including pathological origin.
Allergic reaction
flaky skin under the eyes may be combined with other
unpleasant symptoms - swelling, redness, itching. In this case, most likely the
cause was an allergic reaction to any substances or their components.
Trying to determine the cause yourself can take a long time,
and most likely will not succeed.
in case of allergies should not be delayed with a visit to
the doctor.
Unsuitable cosmetics
"Lanolin", which is part of many cosmetics and is
well absorbed by oily skin, easily causes peeling. Fascination with cleansing
masks, washing with ordinary toilet soap help to dry the skin.
Improper skin care under the eyes
Makeup left on the night can cause peeling under the eyes.
Read also: Pigmented spots on the face - fight or wait + 6
effective preventive measures
In addition, improper cleaning of the periorbital area with
stretching of the skin does not contribute to its health, provoking irritation
and peeling.
Causes and provoking factors
Sensitive eyelid skin reacts negatively to any negative external influences. The best doctors in USA provide the facilities in medical field. The epidermis turns red, cracks and peeling appear. Also, such symptoms may signal a malfunction of internal organs. The most common problems with the skin around the eyes are provoked by the following factors:
Allergic reaction
The use of low quality cosmetics.
Eye mite that causes demodicosis.
Inflammatory lesions of the epidermis caused by factors.
Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene.
Fatigue of the organ of vision.
Irradiation with sunlight.
Prolonged stay at the computer monitor.
Lack of vitamins.
Infectious disease.
Dry eye syndrome.
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