Normally, the image falls on the retina of both eyes, and then on the optic nerve - in the occipital region of the cerebral cortex. There, the images obtained from the right and left eyes separately, the visual analyzer combines into one "picture", giving it depth and a sense of orientation in space and distance. This is how binocular vision is formed. The USA Best Doctors provide the facilities in medical field. However, when strabismus is a complete "overlay" on each other does not occur, and the brain "sees" a double image. Therefore, in order not to cause confusion, he simply disconnects one eye from work, ignoring the information received from him.


Strabismus in pediatric ophthalmic practice is a common visual pathology and occurs in an average of 2% of cases, and congenital strabismus is born in about 1 in 400 children. In the future, these values ​​increase, and these incidence rates in preschool children increase to 10%.

Although the pathology is easily diagnosed, it is possible to get rid of it only by seeking medical help.

Causes and risk factors

The immediate cause of strabismus is a violation of the eye muscles, this condition can lead to:

·         congenital anomalies in the development of the visual system,

·         paralysis, paresis,

·         severe psychotrauma,

·         injuries during childbirth,

·         injuries to the eyes and muscles in old age,

·         diseases of the central nervous system,

Significant reduction in visual acuity of one eye (eg, the formation of ailments, cataracts, etc.),

infectious diseases that contribute to complications of the nervous system and paralysis of the eye muscles,

Strabismus up to 6 months is considered a physiological condition in a child, so that this condition is not fixed in the future, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for the development of visual organs in the child:

In adults, strabismus can be caused by diseases that lead to impaired vision or disrupt the muscles that are responsible for eye mobility. For example, diabetes, myasthenia gravis, traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, strokes. Strabismus can also occur after any surgery in the orbit, if during such an intervention there was damage to the eye muscles.


Strabismus (strabismus) is congenital and acquired, the nature of the movement of the pupils are:

Horizontal - there is a deviation of the visual axis in the horizontal direction. This is convergent and divergent strabismus.

Vertical - the visual axis deviates upwards (hypertropia) or downwards (hypotropia).

Depending on whether one or both eyes are involved, there are monocular strabismus (mows 1 eye) and alternate (alternately mows one or the other eye).

In the case of monocular strabismus, the brain adapts to read information from one eye, and the other simply excludes from work

In the alternating type of disease, the brain involves both eyes, so even if amblyopia occurs, it is milder.

Specialists also distinguish between comorbid and paralytic strabismus. In the first case, the movement of the eyeballs is in full, and in the second - there is a restriction of the movement of the eyeball towards the paralyzed muscle.


A clear sign of strabismus is the deviation of one eye to the side, up or down when trying to focus your gaze on any object.

Other symptoms that may occur with strabismus:

·         headache,

·         doubling before the eyes,

·         visual fatigue when working with small details.

·         If one eye is switched off, binocular vision disappears: the person ceases to navigate properly in space.


The diagnosis of strabismus is established at the initial ophthalmological examination. To clarify the nature and cause of the disease, an in-depth examination may be scheduled, which includes some of the following studies:

·         visual acuity test

·         measurement of fields of vision, intraocular pressure, corneal thickness,

·         Ultrasound of an eye,

·         fundus examination, etc.

All diagnostics is carried out with the help of modern equipment in a contactless and patient-friendly way. The final stage is a second consultation with an ophthalmologist and a recommendation of an individual treatment plan.


Strabismus should be treated as early as possible so that the disease does not lead to irreversible visual disturbances, such as amblyopia. The best doctors in USA provide the facilities in medical field.


Surgical treatment in case of strabismus is resorted to in adults, as well as children, if conservative methods have proved ineffective. The essence of the operation is the correction of the position of the oculomotor muscles.

The most common types of such interventions:

·         shortening of a muscle due to excision of its fragment,

·         muscle lengthening,

·         changing the place of fixation of the oculomotor muscle to strengthen or, conversely, weaken its effect.

·         An innovative technique is the application of adjustable sutures, when the doctor applies a suture with a supply of thread, and after the operation "adjusts" the angle of view that will be comfortable for the patient.

Conservative therapy

The main tasks of conservative treatment of strabismus - to eliminate lazy eye syndrome and restore binocular (stereoscopic) vision.

To include the lazy eye in the work are special digital glasses, occlusive bandages, classes using special computer programs and simulators.

Hardware therapy allows you to restore binocular vision and consolidate the desired position of the oculomotor muscles. Preventive treatment is carried out 4 times a year until the age of 18-25, when the formation of the visual analyzer is completed.



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