Today, the main method of treating malignant liver tumors in primary tumors and metastases of colorectal cancer is laparoscopic anatomical resection of the liver. This technique is used in the USA. At metastases of other types of cancer, use atypical resection, radiofrequency ablation.

Liver cancer is a malignant tumor that is localized in the liver. The tumor originates from liver cells or is a metastasis of another (primary) tumor. Liver metastases develop much more often than primary tumors. This is due to the nature of blood circulation and liver function in the body. Metastases of a malignant neoplasm are a severe complication that is more dangerous than the primary tumor itself. Metastatic cancer is detected as metastasis of a malignant tumor at its primary localization in other organs. The giandliverconsultants provide the best gastrointestinal consultants in Irvine.

Primary liver cancer has the following types:

hepatocellular carcinoma, angioplastic sarcoma, hepatobalstoma and hemangiosarcoma, cholangiocarcinoma.

The causes and mechanisms of the disease are still poorly understood. The influence of geographical location, climate, diet, some medicines were studied. In patients with alcoholism, primary liver cancer often develops on the background of cirrhosis. Liver cancer can occur at any age. More often, they get sick after 40 years.


giandliverconsultants uses modern methods that meet international medical standards to diagnose liver cancer.

Ultrasound (US) can detect the tumor and, in some cases, determine its type.

Tumor biopsy is the most reliable method of diagnosing liver cancer. As a rule, a long thin needle is used, inserted through the skin into the liver into the tumor area under the control of an ultrasound machine. If cancer cells are detected under a microscope during the examination of the tumor, the diagnosis of liver cancer is considered confirmed.

Computed tomography (CT) is very effective in the diagnosis of liver tumors, allows you to detect even small tumors, invisible on ultrasound. In LISOD, contrast-enhanced CT is performed to improve the image - a contrast agent is injected intravenously, allowing specialists to study the location of blood vessels in the liver. During computed tomography, the device receives images of thin sections, which helps specialists to carefully examine the structure of the body and detect even small tumors.

Laparoscopy: Laparoscopic method allows you to make an accurate and correct diagnosis. The technique is gentle, fast, and painless. Through a small incision, under short-term anaesthesia, the doctor inserts a unique device into the abdominal cavity, examines the tumor on a monitor, and takes a piece of tissue for examination.

Blood test: Determination of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels in the blood is valid both at the stage of diagnosis of liver tumors and after treatment to monitor the effectiveness of therapy and possible recurrence of the disease.


For the diagnosis and treatment of this type of cancer, contact the LISOD Contact Center:

First of all, doctors clarify the diagnosis of the tumor and its extent. The treatment plan is developed at an interdisciplinary oncology conference.

If the tumor is operable, then preparation for significant surgery begins. Removal of liver metastases is an effective method of treatment. The liver "knows how" to regenerate, and the distant part is gradually restored. Thus, the leading process is radical surgery (e.g., hemihepatectomy or atypical liver resection) combined with subsequent chemotherapy.

Radiotherapy is also used to treat liver cancer, treatment of liver metastases, as it reduces the rate of tumor growth. Hepatic artery embolization involves the blockage of arterial blood transferred to carcinoid tumors, followed by chemotherapy to reduce the size of the remaining cells.

Surgery, which is performed in the early stages of liver cancer, usually gives good results.



Liver cancer usually shows symptoms on the background of chronic diseases (viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc.). As a result, new ones are superimposed on the symptoms of an existing illness.

Abdominal pain or worsening is a symptom of cancer, which often indicates the large size of the tumor or its spread outside the liver.

A feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium may be a sign of liver cancer.

Elevated body temperature (above 37.5 degrees Celsius), which lasts a long time and is not explained by other reasons.

The appearance of hydrocephalus (ascites) is an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity that occurs in liver cancer and cirrhosis. The formation of ascites in a patient with cirrhosis can be both a complication of the underlying disease and a sign of liver cancer.

It occurs in various conditions but, including cirrhosis and liver cancer. Jaundice in a patient may be a complication of cirrhosis but may also be a sign of liver cancer.


Abdominal bloating, weight loss, loss of appetite, severe weakness - these are the symptoms of liver cancer but can occur in other diseases.



There are known risk factors that can contribute to the development of liver cancer.

Gender. Men get sick more often than women. This may be due to their high alcohol consumption.


Liver disease. Chronic infection (hepatitis C or B) is a very significant risk factor. Some inherited diseases increase the likelihood of liver cancer.

Cirrhosis. A disease that develops due to the formation of scar tissue in the liver and often leads to cancer. The most significant causes of cirrhosis are alcohol consumption and hepatitis C and B. Another cause is the accumulation of excess iron in the liver.

Tobacco use. The connection between smoking and the occurrence of liver cancer has been proven. Concomitant alcohol consumption increases the risk.

Aflatoxins. Consumption of foods that are affected by aflatoxin B1 (cytotoxic of the fungus Aspergillus flavus) due to improper storage increases the risk of the disease. Such products include wheat, rice, corn, soybeans, peanuts, etc.

Anabolic steroids are male hormones that are sometimes used by athletes. Their long-term use may slightly increase the risk of developing malignant liver tumors.

Arsenic. Some countries use water that is contaminated with arsenic. This increases the risk of liver cancer.


The primary prevention of endometrial cancer is aimed at the normalization and correction of endocrine and metabolic disorders: weight loss, normalization of hormonal disorders and diabetes, and the detection and treatment of hyperplastic endometrial processes. Prevention also includes hormonal contraceptives containing estrogens and progestogens, which prevent the development of endometrial hyperplasia.

The sooner a woman sees a gynaecologist at the first symptoms, the sooner the disease will be detected, the more successful the treatment will be.


The section publishes patients' questions and answers of our specialists. Each person's question concerns a specific problem related to their disease. The giandliverconsultants provide the best liver consultants in Irvine. Patients are answered by The USA clinical oncologists and the chief physician of giandliverconsultants, MD, Professor Dr. Esaam.

Experts' conclusions are based on knowledge of the principles of evidence-based medicine and professional experience, correspond only to the data provided, are informative in nature, and are not a doctor's recommendation.

The primary purpose of the section- provide information to the patient and his family so that they, together with the specialist, decide on the type of treatment. The tactics suggested to you may differ from the principles outlined in the answers of our experts. Feel free to ask your doctor questions about the reasons for the differences. It would be best if you were sure that you were getting the proper treatment.


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