You may have heard of SEO, want to know some more?

 Then it’s a right platform for you to know about SEO! Here you will find out what SEO is, what it means and in which channels besides Google it works.

SEO is a method of becoming visible in search engines and in their organic search results. Being visible in an organic search result is free (free) but it often means that you need a lot of knowledge and a lot of work to succeed in reaching top positions.

The principle is that you create content that will answer what an applicant is looking for, such as information about how something works or how to get to a place.


What does SEO stand for?

The term SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and in pure Swedish it is called Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a method of getting free placement in search engines where you want to attract the searcher to click on your content. Although this technique consume zero cost and anyone who knows about it can do it easily but if you have no time for this then you can get SEO services from any available best IT services company.

Is SEO & Search Engine Optimization the Same?

Yes, it actually is! SEO, Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Optimization are the same thing but different concepts quite simply. None of them are more or less right, so say what you want.

In which digital channels can I work with SEO?

Many people think that SEO only applies to Google, but the truth is that there are plenty of search engines where you can get reach (visibility) by optimizing your content.

Google, Bing and many others          

In addition to Google, there are direct competitors such as Bing and DuckDuckGo. In countries such as China, it is mainly Baidu that applies and in Russia it is Yandex. All of these search engines list various external sources that you can visit, ranging from websites, podcasts to videos and mobile applications (apps).

Pinterest is in the borderland between search engine and social media

Pinterest is another channel that many people think of as social media, but it is based on a search engine where you can optimize to get visibility in their search results. Most of the content is linked from external sources such as websites and Instagram. What many people do not know is that Pinterest listings are also visible in Google's search results, so if you choose to be active in Pinterest, you can make your content visible from there and visitors from Google.

Youtube, The ranks world’s largest search engine after google

YouTube is the world's second largest specifically video based search engine after google and is also owned by Google. Here are search results of videos, all of which are uploaded directly to YouTube. To get visibility on YouTube, you can choose between SEO or advertising. The algorithm for gaining organic visibility (SEO) on YouTube is completely different from the algorithm on Google, although some parts are developed by the same team (those who develop the parts with artificial intelligence).

ASO is SEO for apps

If you launch a mobile application for your business or product in channels such as the App Store by Apple or in Play Store by Google, you will also in these channels have the opportunity to make your app visible with search engine optimization. This type of search engine optimization is not called SEO but ASO which stands for App Store Optimization.  IT consulting firms or software houses that work in mobile application development always use ASO to optimize their applications on aap stores.

This work is part of Search Engine Optimization

The work with SEO is different depending on which search engine you want visibility in, but expect it to be complex, it takes time to learn, the conditions change all the time and very few can really do everything even if they think so. Do not let this scare you but make sure you learn SEO in the channels that you want to invest in and are interested in. There is no better time to start than today and that you test yourself.

You start with a keyword strategy

Before you start working practically with SEO, you need to do some analysis where you find out which search terms (keywords and phrases) you want to be visible to and these should be related to your goals, for example increase brand awareness, get leads that can be processed to customers of sellers or perhaps achieve direct sales or bookings online. Once you have done a thorough analysis, you have developed lots of search terms that you want to be visible to and then you create your strategy that contains a plan which search terms to prioritize, what resources you have (time, knowledge and money) and when the goals are to be achieved.

Google analyzes more than 200 signals

When it comes to visibility through SEO in Google's organic search results, it is said to involve more than 200 different signals (as Google calls it). These signals then vary in how important they are to each other and you do not have to get all the signals perfect to reach top positions. Google keeps it very secret about how it works in practice but often tells you overall what you should think about and the main message is that your website should be built for searchers and visitors, not for Google. Their algorithm that assesses all the signals on your site and then determines which sites it should get on various searches and is updated several times daily.


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