Career as a graphic designer


Career as a graphic designer

Graphic designers arrange images and texts to convey a message. Graphic designers work with designing printed matter, packaging or graphics in digital media. The graphic designer gives the product a shape by choosing typography, color and images. Graphic design is about applying techniques to arrange images and text to convey a message or make it easier for the recipient to understand the message.

As a graphic designer, you work with what a printed matter, Graphic designers communicate visual messages and give products and digital channels a shape by choosing typography, color and images.

graphic designer

Graphic design is not just about design with the help of letters and pictures. Symbols of various kinds, such as signs that even those who speak another language must understand, or icons in various computer programs, are common tasks.


When a graphic designer works on designing a company's graphic profile, the logo for the brand and the entire graphic profile is often included. The purpose is to show a uniform identity that is repeated in all contexts where companies and products are presented.


The computer is the most important work tool for a graphic designer and the tools are various design programs, word and image processing programs such as InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. Describing ideas and convincing the customer why the ideas are good is an important part of the work, but also listening to the customer and understanding how the product should be used.

Salary level

According to some research stats about salary scale of a graphic designer in Sweden, The weighted average salary for all occupations in this occupational area is 36,500 kr.

For the lowest paid profession in the profession, 10% of employees earn less than 27,000 kr.

For the highest paid profession in the profession, 10% of employees earn more than 50,000 kr.


Graphic designers work in many different areas. Some work with traditional printed matter such as books, magazines, brochures and posters. Another area is packaging and labels of various kinds, for example for food. Graphic designers can also work with film and television and, for example, make vignettes and pre- and post-texts.

A large area of work is the design of web pages and other digital graphics. Here, the graphic designer is often called a web designer.

A graphic designer can work on designing a company's graphic profile. The profile often includes a logo for the brand, letterheads, shopping bags and more. The purpose is to show a uniform and recognizable identity that is repeated in all contexts where companies and their products are presented; also many IT consulting firms prepare their profile on the same way as designer design for other businesses.

An important part of the work is about describing ideas and convincing the customer why the ideas are good, but also listening to the customer and understanding how the product should be used.

Graphic designers work with digital tools, such as design programs or word and image processing programs. Some prominent tools are mentioned below.

·         Adobe Photoshop

·         Adobe illustrator

·         Corel draw

The art director specializes in image ideas and the design of a product to be marketed or a message to reach out. It can be a commercial, digital campaign, advertisement or website. The work often takes place in project form together with other professional groups. The art director often controls the creative process and is visually responsible in a communication project.

graphic designer

Work place

Most graphic designers are self-employed who work with temporary assignments such as freelance. Some are employed by IT solutions company, larger organizations, book publishers, newspapers, television companies, communications agencies and printing houses.


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