iPhone 12 Packaging: The Eco-Responsible Touch


A faster chip, a more resistant screen, a more powerful camera… It is also by its packaging that the iPhone 12 caused a sensation. Inside, neither charger nor Air Pods, the regulars of Apple already have a large number. And minimum packaging, with a 50% reduction in materials compared to previous products. The packaging of the iPhone 7 already used 84% less plastic than that of the iPhone 6. The following ranges have continued to raise the bar ever higher.

iPhone 12 packaging

A great initiative when we know that the best waste is ultimately the one we do not produce. And when 200 million iPhones are sold per year, reducing the volume of custom packaging for small business becomes more essential than ever. The materials still used give pride of place to biodegradable solutions and recycled paper. Or why not tomorrow with mushroom-based packaging, as the giant Ikea is already experimenting with.

MacBook packaging: the practical touch

No bubble wrap, no superfluous accessories, but carefully designed cavities to precisely contain each item. Every element of Apple packaging has been designed to protect the product and accessories while displaying the same unique Apple aesthetic.

And the MacBook is a great example. Inside the box, the computer, cable, and charger are presented and secured in custom-designed packaging. Different tabs and nooks allow you to discover them as you go. All this with a quick start guide and some Apple stickers that the company has grown accustomed to offering its consumers since the days of the Apple II!

I'm packaging: the daring touch.

Improving packaging is today one of the main lines of thought for any excellent computer manufacturer. However, whatever innovations are underway, Apple is generally always one step ahead. The packaging of the new iMac has thus moved away from the classic rectangular shape to adopt that of a trapezoid. The base is, therefore wider, the top narrower. And opening more simplified than ever.

The previous not cigarette boxes forced us to remove the iMac from its container to have an overview, which could sometimes be tedious with the most imposing models; the front of this new box opens completely to give us a good resume. An accurate tailor-made packaging, which perfectly matches the pretty jewel it contains!

What inspirations can we draw from Apple packaging?

And finally, how do you take advantage of the benefits that Apple brings to its packaging for your own business? This will hold in 4 main axes.

The sobriety

A simple and refined design constitutes, as we have seen, the image of the brand. On the lid of the packaging, a photo of the product is contained inside. No catchy slogan, no element overload. A simple illustration of the product that the customer is eager to use, the perfect marketing in short by which real anticipation is created.

The Apple logo and product name share the rest of the packaging, while product specifications are usually written on the back, more inconspicuously.


Each product, each Apple packaging can be recognized by its aesthetics and accessibility. It is this simplicity and consistency, product after product, that consumers today expect to find. Even the accessories are generally familiar to those who have already acquired other products of the brand. USB cables, for example, remain similar from one product to another. Practice!

Utilization facility

A few years ago, an Apple TV commercial for the iPad suggested that any new buyer already knew how to use the tablet provided they knew a little about the brand's other products. And it is still so true.

Once the packaging is opened, the product's user interface controls are so intuitive that it is easy to use. It was well worth taking the time to think about such simple packaging!

The quality

Who says sobriety and minimalism do not mean less sophistication. If the design is clean and the amount of material used is reduced, take the opportunity to allocate a little of your budget to high-quality materials with impeccable finishes. Soft-touch, 3D gilding or varnish, slightly creamy shades… Apple has made the packaging an expansion of the product itself.

All that remains is to simplify your message and communicate as directly as possible. Behind your commercial activity, it is you who are found with your values and your personality. Stay authentic and aware of your strengths. The design of your future packaging will take shape by itself!



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