Do-It-Yourself furniture and Co. have been popular for years. But does that also apply to renting out? This article provides you with valuable tips on everything to do with renting an apartment: from requirements that you should meet to a practical checklist. Rent an apartment: requirements you should know Are you the owner and want to rent out your apartment yourself? In cities, the high rush makes you believe that you will be straight for success. As a beginner, however, you should internalize two principles: Renting out yourself takes time! Renting is binding in the long term! Rent an apartment - cost and time factor The thought sounds tempting: You rent out your condominium on your own and collect monthly rent with it - without any work! However, it is not that simple: Book keeping and Tax Every year you prepare an additional cost statement and calculate whether your tenant will pay back or receive your money back. Keep all invoices and receipts in a safe p...